# Welcome to Balance Network

# There is our Library (Docs) Website


Dear BLN Holders,

BLN (new contract) airdrop has been successfully done to the holders’ wallets.

You can see (2:1) BLN in your wallets when you enter new contract address: 0x5Cf8eA4278f689B301C4a17DdCa9D5ec8b0B0511

Liquidity of old BLN in Pancakeswap has been withdrawed and added to new BLN’s Pancakeswap liquidity.

New contract address of BLN is


All the existing BLN (contract: 0xE90334c19c798C3A18d81b8cd16594247D5B19dd , except the locked 40M tokens for 31 months, have been burned. You may see

the transaction hash: 0x69d3266eceaf92844f94377b8ba106c1160041a0719d390b17fc0fdc0815e66e

Anyone needs help, please DM to admins. New Contract Address:


CMC : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/balance-network/ (opens new window)

CG link : https://www.coingecko.com/tr/coins/balance-network (opens new window)

Pancakeswap : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56&outputCurrency=0x5Cf8eA4278f689B301C4a17DdCa9D5ec8b0B0511 (opens new window)

Last Updated: 8/11/2023, 2:57:45 PM