# Learn

# What is Blockchain

Blockchain is like an online ledger. Blockchain software is a digital ledger that can be used to track all kinds of data. This software can track the flow of goods, movements of money, who owns works of art or poetry, among many other things. Blockchain technology can be used in many areas from health to transportation, from sports to art, from approval processes to voting. Blockchains are distinguished by their ability to immutably store information; that is, information cannot be changed or hacked. The primary function of every blockchain is to group digital information into immutable collections called “blocks”. When a block is filled with data, a very complex process is performed before it becomes a permanent record. Each block is linked to the next block with a code that references the contents of both blocks. That's why it's called a "chain". Anyone who joins a blockchain using their computer is considered a "node" in the blockchain. There can be thousands or even millions of nodes in a chain. The main achievement of the design is that the blockchain multiplies and is constantly updated with each of these nodes. Blockchains provide a high degree of privacy as well as transparency. The identity of a person (or machine) using a blockchain is hidden behind a string of code. Unless this person reveals his identity himself, it cannot be known who he is. However, transactions made by this identity are transparent. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most popular blockchain networks. Ethereum is seen on the higher end with its smart contract feature. The most well-known product of blockchain technology is cryptocurrencies. According to the report by Credit Suisse, blockchain; It is currently in a period when it is starting to rise as a mainstream. It is expected to be fully accepted and used in every field where it can be adapted in the coming periods.

# What is a Token

A token is a unit of value in an existing blockchain. Tokens do not have their own blockchain, they are dependent on the blockchain of an existing cryptocurrency. Since tokens have a unit value, this value can be traded. Value, coins, points, certificates, in-game items, etc. may be in shape. Tokens are often used to raise funds in an ICO (“Initial Coin Offering” or IPO (“Initial Public Offering”) that can be compared to an IPO of listed companies. In the case of an ICO, companies can go public on the blockchain. Just as you buy shares in a company in an IPO, ICO or Token Crowdsale, the tokens you buy can be used to represent a share in the company or you may have voting rights for decision making. This is why tokens are also called crypto assets or crypto assets and crypto equities. The major difference between a cryptocurrency and a token is that cryptocurrencies have their own blockchain, on the other hand, tokens are built on a blockchain like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Waves, BSC, which facilitates the creation of decentralized applications. A token is a form of money that represents a greater value than its intrinsic value. Initially, banks issued coins worth their weight in gold or other precious metals, but banks soon began issuing coin coins such as notes or coins that they could guarantee would be worth a certain amount of precious metal. The token is based on a bank's guarantee or backing of notes or coins and is based on government laws or regulations. In some cases, the token coin may fall in value due to inflation or the government printing too much money.

# What is Altcoin

Altcoin is not the name of a cryptocurrency. Rather, the term "altcoin" is used to refer to any alternative cryptocurrency to Bitcoin. For example, BNB, Solana, and Ether are technically altcoins. Having stated this, crypto players often use the term altcoin to describe cryptocurrencies with low market caps. Altcoins can differ from Bitcoin in several ways. Some have a different economic model or a different method of distribution of money, such as altcoins issued to all citizens of a country. Some altcoins offer a more versatile programming language for building apps, while others offer more privacy compared to Bitcoin. There are also altcoins that serve very specific, non-monetary use cases such as domain, registry, or data storage tokens. However, there may be altcoins whose fundamental and technical infrastructure is not functional. For this reason, it is necessary to examine the project, basic and technical infrastructure, performance, total transaction volume for an altcoin.

# What is Stablecoin

A stablecoin is a new type of cryptocurrency, usually pegged to another fiat currency or valuable asset. These coins can be pegged to fiat currencies such as the US dollar, other cryptocurrencies, precious metals, or a combination of the three. One of the most well-known stablecoins is Tether (USDT), which was created with its value envisioned to be equivalent to the US dollar. Stablecoins are designed and collateralized to counteract the natural price volatility seen in cryptocurrency prices; meaning that the total number of stable currencies in circulation is backed by assets held in reserve. Simply put, if there is 1,000 USD pegged money in circulation, there must be at least $1,000 in a bank. Suffering from Bitcoin's extreme ups and downs, its proponents believe stablecoins are removing the view of cryptocurrencies as an unstable investment vehicle. Thus, stablecoins make cryptocurrencies more useful for purchasing goods and services.

# What is NFT

NFT are tokens created with cryptographic software that add the value of 'uniqueness'. It stands for non-fungible token. It can be defined as the certificate of the product it represents. Each NFT is unique. They have special digital signatures that make it impossible to interchange or equal one another. For this reason, it is also easy to access and verify. NFTs are used as a public ledger on the Ethereum blockchain but are also supported by other blockchains. What does the NFT represent?

  • Art
  • Music
  • Collection
  • Videos
  • Major sporting events
  • Virtual avatars
  • Game skins
  • GIFs
  • Virtual avatars
  • Contents

# What is Whitepaper

A “White Paper” is an informational document usually published by a company or nonprofit organization to promote or highlight the technical aspects of a solution, product, or service. “White papers” are often written as sales and marketing documents used to persuade potential customers to learn more about or purchase a particular product, service, technology or methodology. For example, Satoshi Nakamato announced Bitcoin by publishing a white paper. “White paper” is intended to be used as a pre-sales marketing tool and not as a user manual or other technical document developed to support the user after a purchase. “White paper” is currently used commercially as a document for marketing and sales. They also stand out in the technology space to discuss potential uses of a new product and how it can help improve the efficiency of processes in companies. In particular, every Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in the cryptocurrency market needs a white paper to run a successful campaign. In this context, “white paper” is an important document that describes the outline of a problem that the project wants to solve, its solution, a detailed description of its products, its architecture, and how it will interact with users.

# What is a Private Key

In cryptocurrency trading, a public address is created and given a private key to a user to send and receive cryptocurrencies. The public address is where cryptocurrencies are deposited and received. However, even if a user has tokens in his address, he cannot withdraw them without the unique private key. The public key is generated from the private key through a complex mathematical algorithm. However, it is nearly impossible to reverse the process by generating a private key from a public key. The private key can take several different forms, often depicted as a series of alphanumeric characters, making a hacker's job difficult. You can think of the public address as a mailbox and the private key as the key to the box. The postman and anyone else can drop a letter into the open mouth of the mailbox. However, only the person with the unique-private key is the only person who can retrieve the contents of the mailbox. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep the key safe, otherwise it may be stolen and the mailbox may be compromised. The digital wallet can store the user's private key. When a transaction is initiated, the wallet software processes the transaction with the private key, creating a digital signature. This is a fairly secure method as the only way to create a valid signature for any transaction is to use the private key. If a user loses their private key, they can no longer access their wallet to spend, withdraw or transfer their cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is imperative to save the private key in a safe place. There are several different ways to store a digital wallet containing a private key. Private keys can be stored in paper wallets, which are documents printed with the private key and QR code; so that when a transaction needs to be signed it can be easily scanned. Private keys can also be stored using a hardware wallet that uses smart cards or USB devices to generate and secure offline private keys. An offline software wallet can also be used to store private keys. This wallet has an offline section for private keys and an online section where public keys are stored. With an offline software wallet, a new transaction is moved offline to be digitally signed and then moved back online for publication on the cryptocurrency network.

# What is a Public Key

A public key is a type of encryption code that makes it possible to transfer cryptocurrencies to the user's account. The public key along with the private key are essential tools to secure the crypto economy. When a user initiates their first transaction with Bitcoin or altcoins, a unique public key and private key pair are generated. Each of the keys is a long string of alphanumeric characters that helps keep the user's assets secure in the digital ecosystem. The private key is known only to the user and acts as the user's digital identity. The private key authorizes the user to take, withdraw, transfer or perform another action from his account. A complex algorithm is applied to the private key to generate the public key, and both keys are stored in a digital wallet. The signature of the private key proves the ownership of the private key. Since the public key is created using the private key, the user's public key is used to prove that the digital signature comes from his private key. After the transaction is verified as valid, the amount to be transferred will be sent to the recipient's public address. The public address is a hashed version of the public key. Because the public key consists of an extremely long string of numbers, it is compressed and truncated to form the public address. In reality, the private key creates the public key, which creates the public address. After two people reach an agreement for a cryptocurrency transfer, they show each other their public addresses. A public address is like a bank account number. The sender needs this number in order to send the money to the recipient. Thus, the recipient can then spend or withdraw the crypto money sent with their private key.

# What is Airdrop

In the world of crypto money, “airdrop” is the distribution of newly produced cryptocurrencies to existing holders of cryptocurrencies at a certain rate for the purpose of rewarding. You can think of the airdrop system as a way of advertising the products that will be released on the market or as a promotional application. There is a possibility that the products will not sell despite the advertisements, and there is a possibility that the cryptocurrencies will not be able to enter the cryptocurrency exchanges despite the airdrop. However, using this system is an attractive option for new cryptocurrency creators. Periodically, cryptocurrency exchanges, wallet service providers, etc. Blockchain-based services like these want to reward their customers and subscribers. Airdrop can be used as a means of rewarding loyal customers with cryptocurrencies without any fees. This system acts as a kind of incentive to ensure continuity on such platforms. Airdrop is analogous to rewards (bonus points, etc.) and discount gifts from companies that do not use blockchain technology in the mainstream commerce world.

# What is a Smart Contract

A smart contract or smart contract is a type of contract between the buyer and the seller that works by writing the contract directly into the lines of code. The code and contracts here are distributed; It is located on a decentralized blockchain network. The code controls execution; Transactions are traceable and irreversible. Smart contracts do not require a central authority, legal system or external enforcement mechanism; It allows for trusted transactions and deals to be made between separate, anonymous parties. While blockchain technology is primarily thought of as the foundation of Bitcoin, it has gone far beyond supporting virtual currency. Smart contracts were first proposed in 1994 by American computer scientist Nick Szabo, who invented a virtual currency called "Bit Gold" in 1998, exactly 10 years before the invention of Bitcoin. There are also rumors that Szabo is actually the real Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous inventor of Bitcoin. However, we do not have precise information on this issue. Szabo defined smart contracts as software transaction protocols that execute the terms of the contract. He wanted to extend the functionality of electronic transaction methods such as he pos (point of sale) into the digital realm. Szabo also proposed a contract for synthetic assets such as derivatives and bonds. The term “smart contract” is somewhat unfortunate; because how smart are smart contracts; nor should it be confused with a legal contract: A smart contract can only be as smart as the people who code it. All information available at the time of coding; While smart contracts have the potential to enforce legal contracts if certain conditions are met, we still need to solve a large number of tech-legal problems that require interdisciplinary discourse. It is likely that we will see legal contracts and smart contracts converge as technology becomes more mature, pervasive, and legal standards are adopted.

# What is a Hard Cap

Hard cap is a term used for the maximum level of the targeted investment amount in the ICO process. It is translated into our language as an upper limit. When the hard cap target is reached, the investment process stops and the ICO process is completed. For the efficiency of the project in question, it is of great importance to determine the hard cap level well and to reach it in a short time. If the desired goal is not achieved in the ICO process, the project will not be realized and the investors will be paid back. Likewise, if an amount above the hard cap level is reached, the excess investments are also refunded. Otherwise, the owner or owners of the project fall into an insecure position and a red flag occurs on the part of the investors. Hard cap is of great importance in order to create a safe and advancing project. Realizing the target and making proper practices in line with the developments experienced creates a safe image for the project in question.

# What is a Cold - Hot Wallet

There are two ways to store data in digital media: Cold and hot storage. Hot wallet is used for easily accessible data; It is a fast and expensive type of storage. Cold wallet, on the other hand, is more economical and is a type of offline storage used for data that does not need continuous use. E.g; Storing files and data through various cloud applications is a storage method. Cloud systems can offer hot or cold services as needed. In which cases cold storage and in which cases hot storage will be preferred actually determines the data itself. All data that needs to be accessed continuously and that can be shared when necessary should be stored with hot storage method. By storing visual or written files in Google-based storage systems; The best example of this is to be able to download it quickly when necessary, to make various additions or changes on it, and even to share it. It may take minutes or even hours to access data or files stored with the cold storage method. Sometimes the data can be made independent from the internet by storing it in the disk. With this method; “Still data” that does not need to be used actively, whose need is questioned, or which does not have time to be used even if it is important can be stored. In the blockchain ecosystem, wallets store crypto assets. There are two types of wallets, hot and cold. Crypto assets with constant investment movement can be kept safe with the hot storage method. In this way, the person can transact with his assets whenever he wishes. In addition to using hot wallets, holding assets on cryptocurrency exchanges is also a method. Assets that are not planned to have an investment circulation can be safely kept in a cold wallet. Since there is no need for internet access in this method, the possibility of being affected by cyber attacks is also minimized. Access can only be achieved by logging in with the specified password and that password should not be shared with third parties.

# What is AML

Anti-money laundering (Anti Money Laundering or AML) refers to a set of laws, regulations and procedures aimed at preventing criminals from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. While anti-money laundering laws cover a relatively limited number of transactions and criminal acts, their consequences are far-reaching. AML regulations are meant to ensure that banks and other financial institutions that issue loans or allow customers to open deposit accounts do not aid in money laundering. Anti-money laundering laws and regulations include criminal activities such as market manipulation, illegal trade in goods, corruption of public funds and tax evasion; It targets the methods used to hide these crimes and the money obtained from them. Criminals often strive to “launder” money they have obtained illegally through activities such as drug trafficking. One of the most common techniques is to run the money through a legitimate, cash-based business owned by a criminal organization or confederation. Money launderers can deposit cash in smaller increments that are unlikely to raise suspicion or be used to purchase other cash instruments. Or they deposit money using dishonest brokers who want to ignore the rules in exchange for large commissions. However, the AML holding period is enshrined in a rule that requires deposits to remain in an account for at least five trading days. This holding period is aimed at combating money laundering and assisting in risk management.

# What is Arbitrage

Arbitrage; It is the act of making your investment on the lowest market by comparing the values of the asset you want to invest in different markets and making a profit. The practice of arbitrage involves buying and reselling assets for profit. In other words, it means taking advantage of the price difference between multiple markets. The term is most commonly applied to financial investment trading of assets such as bonds, stocks and derivatives. But it can also be applied to any situation that can match deals that take advantage of unstable market prices. Arbitrage is the result of market inefficiencies and helps ensure that prices do not deviate significantly from fair market values over an extended period of time. Persons or businesses dealing with arbitrage are called arbitrageurs. Arbitrages are usually banks or brokerage firms, but may also be other companies or individuals, depending on the situation.

# What is a Bear Season

Bear season, or bear market, is when the market experiences prolonged price drops. It is often used to refer to situations where security prices have dropped 20% or more from recent highs due to widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment. Bear seasons are often associated with dips in an overall market or index, such as the S&P 500; however, individual securities may be considered acceptable during a bear season if they are down 20% or more over an extended period of time. Although there is no general opinion about how long the bear season will last, it is expected that prices will continue to decrease for a long time. Demand for products in a bear market is decreasing. Since the demand has decreased, nobody wants to buy those products and the prices continue to fall. The causes of a bear market often vary, but in general, a weak, slowing or stagnant economy will bring with it a bear market. Signs of a weak or slowing economy are often hidden in low employment, low disposable income, weak productivity and business profits. Also, any government intervention in the economy can trigger a bear market. For example, changes in the tax rate or interest rates can lead to a bear market. Similarly, a drop in investor confidence could signal the beginning of a bear market. Investors will act when they believe something will happen; in which case they sell shares to avoid losses.

# What is a Bull Season

A bull season or bull market is used to describe a financial market in which prices are rising or expected to rise. It is assumed that the origin of this term comes from the belief that bulls lift everything from below with their horns. The term “bull market” is often used to refer to the stock market; but it can be applied to anything bought and sold like bonds, real estate, currencies and commodities. Because the prices of securities are constantly rising and falling during trading, the term "bull market" is usually reserved for long periods during which a large part of the security's price rises. Bull markets can last for months or even years. Bull markets have optimism, investor confidence, and expectations that positive results should last for a long time. It is difficult to constantly predict when trends in the market may change. Part of the difficulty is that psychological influences and speculation can sometimes play a big role in markets. There is no specific and universal metric used to describe a bull market. However, technically it is expected to have risen 20% from the relevant market low. Because bull markets are difficult to predict, analysts can usually only recognize this phenomenon after the event. A notable bull market in recent history is the period from 2003-2007. During this time, the S&P 500 increased significantly after the previous decline; When the 2008 financial crisis hit, after the bull market, there were big drops again. Bull markets usually happen when the economy is strengthening or already strong. They tend to parallel strong gross domestic product and declines in unemployment and often coincide with increases in corporate profits. Investor confidence will also tend to climb during the bull market. The overall stock demand and the overall tone of the market will be positive. There will also be an overall increase in the amount of IPO activity during bull markets.

# What is DAO

Decentralized autonomous organization ie DAO; As its name suggests, it is a system that is managed by computer codes without being dependent on any authority. DASH is also the token of this system. The most important feature of cryptocurrencies; their existence in a decentralized manner and without being dependent on any authority. DAO is a decentralized crypto finance model that has decentralized details and started to be established after the emergence of Bitcoin.

# What is ERC-20

ERC-20; It is the general definition of the standards applied for the tokens existing on the Ethereum platform to become functional. ERC; It stands for “Ethereum Request For Comments”, 20 is the ID number that customizes it. ERC-20 standards are divided into two groups as mandatory and optional. All tokens on the Ethereum network that are expected to become functional must meet the mandatory standards. Mandatory standards are the source of smart contracts. Developers must own an equal number of the Ethereum network token in question, and when this balance is balanced, the transfer process kicks in. The existence and number of the currency to be transferred is controlled through smart contracts. In order to transfer between two users, the so-called transfer form system is activated. When all conditions are suitable, the requested transaction is implemented. ERC-20 is a system that only works on the Ethereum network and does not function on other networks. It aims to create an easier, faster and safer investment ecosystem. Since there is a uniform technology, the tokens included in the platform are easier to trace and have the effect of increasing the speed of transactions. When a new token is introduced in different systems, the whole layout has to be re-adapted and transactions take a long time. Since ERC-20 has set its standards to eliminate this, the tokens included in the ecosystem adapt easily and start working quickly.

# What is P2P (Peer to Peer)?

P2P or “peer to peer” is used to describe the exchange or sharing of information, data or assets between parties without the involvement of a central authority. Peer-to-peer, or P2P, takes a distributed approach to interactions between individuals and groups. This approach is used in computers and networks (peer-to-peer file sharing) and cryptocurrency trading. In a digital peer-to-peer network, each user is (theoretically) an owner and partner of the network. This type of network can be used for almost any information or file sharing process. For example, one of the first mass uses of P2P networks was Napster's file sharing service. In the context of currencies, P2P refers to the exchange of currencies that is not established by a central banking authority. A particularly common application is made possible by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Virtual currencies are transferred electronically between parties. Peer-to-peer exchanges allow individuals to move currencies from their account to someone else's without the need to go to a financial institution. P2P networks rely on digital transmissions, which in turn depend on the availability of the internet connection.

# What is ROI (Return of Invesment)

ROI is short for the word Return of Investment. It is a widely used financial metric to calculate the amount of profit from an investment. It is a method that is valid in all known investment channels.

# What is Soft Cap

Soft Cap is the amount of capital raised to the extent that a project will be considered successful. In other words, it is the minimum amount of funds needed to keep the project going as planned. Most of the projects realized today can easily reach the soft cap level. One of the biggest reasons for this is that you can do an ICO right now when you start a project and want to raise capital. Reaching the soft cap level is not guaranteed by projects. This level is mainly speculative in nature. If the soft cap level is not reached, most of the projects are closed and all earned capital is returned to the investors. If the project does not end, then it enters the hard cap mode. Therefore, it is very important for investors to base the soft cap and hard cap levels on real plans. For example, transparent projects are the projects that give the most confidence to the society and investors.

# What is KYC

Know Your Customer, or KYC, is a procedure that allows investment advisors to have detailed information about their clients' risk tolerance, investment information and financial standing. KYC compliance typically includes requirements and policies such as risk management, client acceptance policies, and transaction monitoring. The KYC rule is very important at the start of a client-broker relationship to assess each client's overall financial situation before making any recommendations. Investment advisors and securities firms are responsible for knowing each client's financial situation by discovering and collecting the client's age, other investments, tax status, financial needs, investment experience, liquidity needs, and risk tolerance. The principles of digital identity are: high privacy, trust, accessibility, user orientation, usability, auditability, portability, flexibility, permanence and transparency. Thanks to these features, it can be used safely in many areas such as official transactions, social media accounts, digital banking, digital shopping. Blockchain technology is of great importance to keep digital identity security at a high level. Since no information existing in this ecosystem can be changed; It is possible for digital identity and digital signature information to be stored securely and to have an easy operation. The application of this technology to strengthen the infrastructure of the digital identity product and their work in harmony are among the promising issues.

# What is Decentralization

“Decentralization” or “decentralization” is the name given to the process of transforming the power of a central authority into a decentralized one. Most financial and government systems currently in existence are centralized. For example, in many countries, there is a central bank in the position of authority that oversees the financial system. Over the years, some of the drawbacks of centralization have emerged; Some very important decisions taken intentionally or unconsciously can cause the entire world economic system to be paralyzed. Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto as an alternative to central governments' fiat currencies. The fact that it allows sending and receiving money and trading independently of any central authority makes it much more flexible and democratic than traditional currencies. The blockchain technology that spawned Bitcoin is what allows for this decentralization. Because it offers every user the opportunity to become one of the network's many payment processors. Many cryptocurrencies have emerged since the emergence of Bitcoin. These currencies likewise adopted a decentralized management model and used blockchain technology.

# What is Mnemonic Phrase

Mnemonic phrase is a memory aid method applied to remember a forgotten information. Using an abbreviation, phrase, song or rhyme as a clue to remind you when something is forgotten. During mail password creation, a photo or word that will help remind you in case you forget the password is a good example for a mnemonic phrase. In this way, when the password is forgotten, the password can be remembered with the secret question or secret photo option. The use of mnemonic phrases in blockchain is only seen in crypto wallets. Crypto wallets are usually accessed with passwords consisting of a minimum of 12-character phrases. If this password is forgotten, it is not possible to obtain a new password. Therefore, the password must be stored securely. Instead of storing the password directly, an evocative expression can be created. A sentence can be written with words consisting of clues that will remind you of the password. These clues should be known only to the password owner and cannot be deciphered by anyone else. Otherwise, cryptocurrencies in the wallet can be stolen. Except for forgetting the password, the computer where the wallet is stored can be corrupted, stolen or lost. In this case, again, the mnemonic phrase is needed to save the wallet. Thanks to the created mnemonic sentences, the wallet can be saved. In the Ethereum ecosystem, the mnemonic phrase is usually created in accordance with the BIP 32 specification. Well; The mnemonic phrase is created with 24 randomly selected words from the BIP 32 English word list. Sometimes this number of words can be limited to 12 for easier recall.

# Cryptocurrency Transfer

Each crypto money should be deposited to its own wallet address and attention should be paid to which network the sendings are made over. To transfer ETH, LINK, HOT, BAT, CHZ from a different platform or personal wallet, deposit wallet addresses defined in your account must be used. These transfers take place over the ERC-20 network. To make an ERC-20 based USDT deposit, the ETH wallet address defined in your account must be used. Transfers made in this way take place over the ERC-20 network. To make an Omni-based USDT deposit, the USDT wallet address defined in your account must be used. Transfers made in this way take place over the Omni network. The completion and reflection of crypto money transfers on user accounts is not connected with Balance Network. It is technically not possible for Balance Network to speed up blockchain approval processes. Users can follow the status of their transfers over the network with their TX codes.

# How is Arbitrage Done

Since the purpose of arbitrage is to make a risk-free profit by taking advantage of the arbitrage opportunity created by price differences, the relevant asset must be simultaneously purchased from one market and sold in another market, and these transactions must be completed in a very short time, as soon as the arbitrage opportunity occurs. Otherwise, the price inequality will be noticed by other players in the market and prices will be fixed in a short time. Significant advances in technology, especially when it comes to computerized selling and trading systems, pricing errors in the market have made it very difficult to profit from arbitrage. Some companies have automatic monitors to monitor the price fluctuations of financial instruments and products. On the other hand, it may be possible to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities that may arise, especially when volatility increases, without resorting to special software.

# Trading Transactions

In Balance Network, a digital asset trading platform where buyers and sellers meet, all trading orders belong to users. Cryptocurrency prices are formed automatically according to the supply and demand situation of the users. In the Balance Network, the savings of all the transactions on the balances of the users belong to them, so the prices are formed automatically. It is structurally impossible to find any external influences other than user orientations. Since each digital asset trading platform has different features such as internal dynamics, user audience, trading volume and number of pending orders, some price differences may appear between platforms instantly. The speed and content of the reaction of user groups that make purchases and sales on different platforms to local and global developments can be different. These reactions can reveal price differences on cryptocurrency platforms. There is no outside influence on reliable digital asset trading platforms, and prices are only formed by user trends.

# What is Stop Loss

Conditional order, also known as stop-loss, is the type of order that is activated when the conditions you specify regarding prices are fulfilled. By using the feature in the Exchage application, you can ensure that your order is forwarded to the trading board when the condition you set is met. By using the conditional order feature, you can prepare your own orders and make them active when conditions occur. Although the price touches your condition price, the market may move in the opposite direction again before it's your turn. In such cases, although the condition may seem to have occurred for a moment, your order may not be fulfilled because the price turns in the opposite direction before it is your turn. Leaving some margin between the condition price and the order price increases the probability of your order being executed.

# What is Transaction

Transaction is the name given to the process of moving the value of a cryptocurrency from one asset to another in the blockchain network. A transaction is a transfer of value between Bitcoin wallets included in the blockchain. Bitcoin wallets hold a secret piece of data called a private key or seed used to sign transactions and provide mathematical proof that it comes from the owner of the wallet. The signature also prevents the transaction from being modified by anyone after the transaction has been made. All transactions are broadcast on the network and are confirmed within 1-5 minutes, usually through a process called mining.

Last Updated: 8/11/2023, 8:39:42 AM